机电工程学院 机器人与微系统研究中心
姓名:贺海东 | 性别:男 | 出生年月:1990.3 | ||
学历:研究生 学位:博士 | 职称/导师类别:副教授/硕导 | |||
毕业学校:南京航空航天大学 | 学科专业:机械制造及其自动化 | |||
主要研究 方向 | 多能场微纳制造技术与装备 | |||
功能微结构表面设计与制造 | ||||
医疗机器人 | ||||
科研工作简历 | 2017年10月毕业于南京航空航天大学机械制造及其自动化专业,获工学博士学位,师承曲宁松教授(院士团队)。2017年12月进入bet356·(中国区)官方网站工作,同年进入苏州大学光学工程博士后流动站,合作导师孙立宁教授。 现阶段,主要从事特种能场微纳加工技术与装备、植入金属表面生物相容性调控和肺部/血管介入机器人技术等方面的研究工作,主持国家自然科学基金(编号:51805343)、江苏省自然科学基金(编号:BK20180844)、国家重点研发计划项目(子课题)、军委装备发展部“十四五”装备预研共用技术(子课题)、中国博士后基金(编号:7131703318)等多项国家/省部级课题,已发表相关学术论文20余篇,其中,第一/通讯作者SCI检索18篇;申请专利10余项,目前已授权国家发明专利5项,软件著作2项等。 | |||
学术成果 (论文、著作、获奖、专利等情况) | 部分代表性论文: 1.Haidong He, Wenrong Wu, Zijie Xi, Zhenwu Ma, Liudi Zhang, Chunju Wang, Lining Sun. Time dependency of superhydrophilic and superhydrophobic surfaces produced by nanosecond laser irradiation assisted by post-annealing and silanization. Applied Surface Science, 2022, 586: 152819. (SCI) 2. Haidong He,Xi Zhang,Ningsong Qu,et al. Wire Electrochemical Micro Machining Assisted with Coupling Axial and Intermittent Feed. Journal of the Electrochemical Society,2019,166(6):E165-E180. (SCI) 3.He Haidong,Hua Risheng,Li Xuan,et al. Fabrication of Superhydrophobic Ti-6Al-4V Surfaces with Single-Scale Micotextures by using Two-Step Laser Irradiation and Silanization. Materials (Basel, Switzerland),2020,13(17):3816. (SCI) 4. Guan Xin,Ma Zhenwu,Wang Chunju,He Haidong#,et al. Analytical Model for Springback Prediction of CuZn20 Foil Considering Size Effects: Weakening versus Strengthening. Materials (Basel, Switzerland),2020,13(21):4929. (SCI) 5.Haidong He,Chunju Wang,Xi Zhang,et al. Facile fabrication of multi-scale microgroove textures on Ti-based surface by coupling the re-solidification bulges derived from nanosecond laser irradiation. Surface & Coatings Technology,2020,386:125460. (SCI) 6.H. D. He,N. S. Qu,Y. B. Zeng,P. Z. Tong. Improvement of Hydrogen Bubbles Detaching from the Tool Surface in Micro Wire Electrochemical Machining by Applying Surface Microstructures. Journal of the Electrochemical Society,2017,164(9):E248-E259. (SCI) 7.Haidong He,Yongbin Zeng,Yangyang Yao,Ningsong Qu. Improving machining efficiency in wire electrochemical micromachining of array microstructures using axial vibration-assisted multi-wire electrodes. Journal of Manufacturing Processes,2017,25:452–460. (SCI) 8.Haidong He,Yongbin Zeng,Ningsong Qu. An investigation into wire electrochemical micro machining of pure tungsten. Precision Engineering,2016,45:285–291. (SCI) 9.Haidong He,Ningsong Qu,Yongbin Zeng. Lotus-leaf-like microstructures on tungsten surface induced by one-step nanosecond laser irradiation. Surface & Coatings Technology,2016,307:898–907. (SCI) 10.He Haidong,Yang Haifeng,Zhou Longpeng,Chen Tianchi. Microtextures Induced by Nanosecond Laser on Ni–Co Alloy Coatings. Journal of Russian Laser Research,2015,36(3):292-299. (SCI) 11.H. D. He,N. S. Qu,Y. B. Zeng,Y. Y. Yao. Enhancement of mass transport in wire electrochemical micro-machining by using a micro-wire with surface microstructures. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2017,89(9-12):3177–3186. (SCI) 12.Haidong He,Ningsong Qu,Yongbin Zeng,et al. Machining accuracy in pulsed wire electrochemical machining of γ-TiAl alloy. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2016,86(5-8):2353–2359. (SCI) 13. H F Yang,H D He#,EL Zhao,et al.Electronic-controlling nanotribological behavior of textured silicon surfaces fabricated by laser interference lithography[J]. Laser Physics Letters, 2014,11(10): 105901-1-105901-6 (SCI) 14.H. F. YANG, H. D. HE#, E. L. ZHAO, et al. Electronic-controlling nanotribological behavior of textured silicon surfaces fabricated by laser interference lithography[J]. Laser physics letters,2014,11(10):105901-1-105901-6.(SCI) 15.HAIDONG HE, HAIFENG YANG, ENLAN ZHAO, et al. NANOTRIBOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF SILICON SURFACES NANOPATTERNED BY LASER INTERFERENCE LITHOGRAPHY[J]. Journal of Russian laser research,2013,34(3):288-294. (SCI) 16.贺海东,郝敬宾,赵恩兰,杨海峰,唐玮,朱华,钱济国.双尺度织构的激光光刻工艺[J].强激光与粒子束,2013,25(11):2900-2904. (EI) 部分发明专利:
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在研项目 | 1.国家重点研发计划子课题,主持,280万元 2.国家自然科学青年基金项目,主持,32.4万元(国家级); 3.江苏省自然科学基金项目(青年),主持,20.0万元(省部级); 4.中国博士后基金面上项目(一等),主持,8.0万元(省部级); 5.面向肺结节诊断机器人的电磁导航系统关键技术(企业横向,苏州欧畅医疗科技有限公司),主持,30万元; 6.面向自行车曲柄生产的工程装备工艺研发(企业横向,兰溪轮峰车料有限公司),主持,50万元。 | |||
需 求 | 欢迎具有机械、材料及控制等专业背景的本科生、研究生参与课题研究,同时热诚欢迎相关企事业单位开展产学研项目合作。 | |||
联系方式 | 邮箱:hdhe@suda.edu.cn |