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机电工程学院学术报告:Dealing with Humans: Localization, Planning and Control for Service Robots


报告嘉宾:Daniele Fontanelli  意大利特伦托大学工业工程系教授

报告题目:Dealing with Humans: Localization, Planning and Control for Service Robots


报告地点:苏州大学阳澄湖校区 行政楼416会议室

报告摘要:Service robots are becoming more and more pervasive in modern societies. One of the ever increasing field of application are service robots able to help seniors in their daily duties. Indeed, ageing is generally associated with a decrease in mobility and social interaction: a growing body of research suggests that reduced levels of out-of-home mobility can have widespread, detrimental effects for older adults. With the median age in Europe projected to grow from 37.7 (2003) to 52.3 (2050), the population asking for mobility aids at an affordable price is becoming substantial.

In this talk, we briefly introduce the solution conceived for autonomous mobility: the FriWalk (i.e. Friendly Walker). Stemming from this example, we will present the fundamental problems for service robots with application-related scenarios. In particular, we will focus on different aspects of the technological solutions: how to harmonise the presence of the human and smoothly ensures a safe interaction with robot using the shared authority approach; how to take the fundamental mobile robotics problems, i.e., localisation, planning and control, considering different controlled guidance solutions implementing the authority sharing paradigm in a natural way and dealing with uncertainties in the robot state estimation. We will also briefly discuss the human-robot interaction in the industrial and medical contexts and the commonalities with mobile service robot applications.

专家简介:Daniele Fontanelli (M’09, SM'19) received the M.S. degree in Information   Engineering in 2001, and the Ph.D. degree in Automation, Robotics and Bioengineering in 2006, both from the University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.  He was a Visiting Scientist with the Vision Lab of the University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, US, from 2006 to 2007.  From 2007 to 2008, he has been an Associate Researcher with the Interdepartmental Research Center ``E. Piaggio'', University of Pisa. From 2008 to 2013 he joined as an Associate Researcher the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science and from 2014 the Department of Industrial Engineering, both at the University of Trento, Trento, Italy, where he is now a Full Professor in the field of Measurement and Robotics.  He has authored and co-authored more than 200 scientific papers in peer-reviewed top journals and conference proceedings.  He is currently a Senior Area Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement and an Associate Editor for the IET Science, Measurement & Technology Journal and for the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. He has also served in the technical program committee of numerous conferences in the area of measurements and robotics, and he is a member of TC17 - Measurement in Robotics. He has been served as an Associate Editor in Chief from 2021 to 2023 and as an Associate Editor from 2019 to 2021 for the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation. He is the co-founder of Polytec Intralogistics Srl (aka Dolomiti Robotics - He is the PI of the EU project MAGICIAN - iMmersive leArninG for ImperfeCtion detectIon and repAir through human-robot interactioN - and he was the PI of the EIT-Digital international Master on “Autonomous Systems” from 2017 to 2023. His research interests include localisation algorithms, mobile robots, service robotics, human-robot interaction and estimation, distributed and real-time estimation and control, synchrophasor estimation, and resource aware control.