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姓名: 梁福生



学历:博士研究生   学位: 博士

职称/导师类别: 副教授

毕业学校: 吉林大学

学科专业: 机械制造及其自动化







2018-2022 爱尔兰都柏林大学微纳制造中心(MNMT-Dublin)博士后

2022-至今 bet356·(中国区)官方网站 副教授




  1. Yang Li, and Fusheng Liang*. "GA-based time-optimal feedrate scheduling on NURBS tool path with geometric and drive constraints." The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022): 1-23.

  2. Fusheng Liang, Chengwei Kang, and Fengzhou Fang. "Tool path planning on triangular mesh surfaces based on the shortest boundary path graph." International Journal of Production Research 60, no. 9 (2022): 2683-2702.

  3. Fusheng Liang, Guangpeng Yan, and Fengzhou Fang. "Global time-optimal B-spline feedrate scheduling for a two-turret multi-axis NC machine tool based on optimization with genetic algorithm." Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 75 (2022): 102308.

  4. Fusheng Liang, Chengwei Kang, Zhongyang Lu, and Fengzhou Fang. "Iso-scallop tool path planning for triangular mesh surfaces in multi-axis machining." Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 72 (2021): 102206.

  5. Fusheng Liang, Chengwei Kang, and Fengzhou Fang. "A review on tool orientation planning in multi-axis machining." International Journal of Production Research 59, no. 18 (2021): 5690-5720.

  6. Yang Li, Hexuan Shi, Shijun Ji, and Fusheng Liang*. "Thermal Positioning Error Modeling of Servo Axis Based on Empirical Modeling Method." Micromachines 12, no. 2 (2021): 201.

  7. Fusheng Liang, Chengwei Kang, and Fengzhou Fang. "A smooth tool path planning method on NURBS surface based on the shortest boundary geodesic map." Journal of Manufacturing Processes 58 (2020): 646-658.

  8. Yang Li, Ji Zhao, Shijun Ji, and Fusheng Liang*. "The selection of temperature-sensitivity points based on K-harmonic means clustering and thermal positioning error modeling of machine tools." The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 100, no. 9 (2019): 2333-2348.

  9. Fusheng Liang, Ji Zhao, Shijun Ji, and Lei Lu. "Deterministic polishing of freeform optical surface by iterative intersection tool path in an off-axial three-mirror anastigmat imaging system." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture 232, no. 5 (2018): 816-826.

  10. Fusheng Liang, Ji Zhao, and Shijun Ji. "An iterative feed rate scheduling method with confined high-order constraints in parametric interpolation." The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 92, no. 5 (2017): 2001-2015.

  11. Fusheng Liang, Ji Zhao, Shijun Ji, Cheng Fan, and Bing Zhang. "A novel knot selection method for the error-bounded B-spline curve fitting of sampling points in the measuring process." Measurement Science and Technology 28, no. 6 (2017): 065015.

  12. Chengwei Kang, Fusheng Liang, Gang Shen, Dongxu Wu, and Fengzhou Fang. "Study of micro-dimples fabricated on alumina-based ceramics using micro-abrasive jet machining." Journal of Materials Processing Technology 297 (2021): 117181.

  13. Dongxu Wu, Chengwei Kang, Fusheng Liang, Guangpeng Yan, and Fengzhou Fang. "Diffractive optical characteristics of nanometric surface topography generated by diamond turning." Journal of Manufacturing Processes 67 (2021): 23-34.

  14. Dongxu Wu, Fusheng Liang, Chengwei Kang, and Fengzhou Fang. "Performance Analysis of Surface Reconstruction Algorithms in Vertical Scanning Interferometry Based on Coherence Envelope Detection." Micromachines 12, no. 2 (2021): 164.


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