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机电工程学院学术报告:Modeling and Simulating Fluid-Structure-Interaction Problems


K. M. Liew

City University of Hong Kong




Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) is a multi-physics problem having diverse application scenarios ranging from aeroelasticity of aircraft wings, structural response of marine platforms, to blood circulation through aortic valves. This talk presents an integrated particle model for FSI problems involving irregular channel flows and crack propagation in structures. The proposed model is implemented as follows: (1) we couple weakly compressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics with bond-based peridynamics in a partitioned approach; (2) we propose a novel periodic boundary conditions algorithm for modeling flows in non-regular channels; and (3) we incorporate crack propagation in structural responses under fluid dynamics, which was rarely considered in previous works. This new framework has been validated and illustrated to be effective and versatile in diverse FSI problems, including hydrostatic pressure-induced solid deformation, violent free-surface flows and channel flows interacting with flexible structures. Compared with conventional grid-based methods, this particle framework is more user-friendly, since no extra effort is required to update meshes, even when a discontinuity appears during the modeling process. The extendibility and potential of this framework is further demonstrated by the simulation of fluid-driven deformation and crack propagation in elastomers.


刘锦茂 (K. M. Liew),欧洲科学院院士,香港工程科学院院士,卡尔蔡司洪堡研究奖首位亚洲获奖者,现任香港城市大学杨建文讲座教授 (可持续工程)、建筑学及土木工程学系讲座讲授、仿生工程中心主任。刘教授曾任香港城市大学周亦卿研究生院院、建筑学及土木工程学系主任、新加坡南洋理工大学终身教授、南洋理工大学超级计算与可视化中心的创始主任。刘教授曾被清华大学、中国科学技术大学、麻省理工学院、南加州大学、德州农工大学、多伦多大学、德国魏玛包豪斯大学和京都大学等知名学府聘为客座教授。凭借在学术领域的卓越贡献,刘教授连续多年被科睿唯安 (Web of Science Group, Clarivate Analytics) 评选为全球高被引科学家,被斯坦福大学列为全球前2%顶尖科学家,被 Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) 评选为全球工程领域高被引学者。截至目前,刘教授在Nat CommJMPSCMAMECCRCCCCSTCPB等顶级学术期刊发表SCI期刊论文900余篇,引用超过56000次,H-index119。其研究工作持续受到政府、工业界以及研究机构的基金资助,累计获批科研经费5000万美元。刘教授团队氛围融洽,与大陆高校保持密切的合作与联系,团队培养的80名博士生和70余位博士后均就职于世界名校或国际知名企业